Senegal: On-Site Sanitation Project

Grant Funding|Activity Status: Closed
  • Country
  • Amount
    $5.76 million
  • Approval Date
    May 01, 2005
    Closing Date
    December 13, 2011
  • Donors



Despite having one of the most developed water service and delivery in Sub-Saharan Africa, Senegal’s sanitation sector is not as developed. The government’s urban sanitation strategy calls for the development of on-site solutions at municipal level, based on the approach of the Programme d’Assainissement Autonome des Quartiers Peri-urbains de Dakar (PAQPUD). The predecessor of the OBA project, PAQPUD was a large result-oriented, pro-poor program that provided 63,000 facilities, as well as small-bore sewers, increasing sanitation coverage by 22 percent in the target areas in four years. PAQPUD ended in 2005 for lack of funds, leaving demand for 74,000 demands unmet. In 2007 GPOBA provided funding to build on-site facilities in five municipalities originally targeted by PAQPUD. By December 2011, when the project closed, more than 103,000 people had benefited from an improved sanitation facility at home.